Homer Kizer Homer Kizer Ministries P.O. Box 85 Stonefort, IL 62987 U.S.A. Submission queries should be directed to the editor . The New Revised Standard Version is the preferred text for biblical citations. As such, "The Scripture quotations contained herein are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright, 1989, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.[Used by permission. All rights reserved.]"
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Water & Fire |
Vol.1 No.1 May/June 2003 ![]() Articles in this inaugural May/June issue address two of the three festival seasons when spiritual Israel assembles together. In addition, the article "Fishers of Men" looks at the analogy from the perspective of a former commercial fisherman. Lastly, as a multitude of prophecy experts hawk their understanding of Scripture, the article "False Prophets" lays out the criteria to determine whether these experts are genuine. Also in this issue are three of the editor's From the Margins commentaries.