Homer Kizer Ministries

April 4, 2011 © Homer Kizer
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Commentary — From the Margins

Fiat Enslavement

Part Two



You shall have just balances, a just ephah, and a just bath. The ephah and the bath shall be of the same measure, the bath containing one tenth of a homer, and the ephah one tenth of a homer; the homer shall be the standard measure. The shekel shall be twenty gerahs; twenty shekels plus twenty-five shekels plus fifteen shekels shall be your mina. (Ezek 45:10–12 emphasis added)




This commentary continues the discussion of unjust weights and measures that fiat currencies inherently represent—

For humanity, there is one reality, a three dimensional realm suspended in space-time. Mathematically, there are additional dimensions, with calculations now being done in eleven dimensions whereas a twelfth exists. But even if these other dimensions truly affected human reality in a conscious way, these other dimensions occur within a creation that functions as a human computer simulation functions; hence, the two English words—creation and simulation—can be applied to the cosmos on a macro and micro scale. For as long as the person mentally remains inside the creation, the person is a sentient being trying to resolve the issue of how and why the person came to be. For the Christian, the issue of how six thousand years of history can appear as 13.7 billion years must be rationalized, but most “thinking” beings inside the creation now reject the six-thousand-year legacy for the more enlightened 13.7 billion year legacy. Those who accept the six-thousand-year legacy continually put forward dubious evidence supporting their belief in a young creation, but if these Christians, Jews, Muslims were sentient characters inside a computer simulation and if these characters were not to realize that they were nothing but pixel images on a flat screen, how better to prevent realization than to write code that caused the simulation to produce a 13.7 billion year old context for a relatively young program? … The flat screen would be the creation’s event horizon, and the things that form the background of the creation would be lines of code producing the context for a solvable puzzle.

Jesus told His disciples when they saw the withered fig tree, “‘Truly, I say to you, if you have faith [belief] and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, “Be taken up and thrown into the sea,” it will happen. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith’” (Matt 21:21–22).

How can a mountain move from one location to another? In a computer simulation, if the programmer doesn’t like where a mountain is located, the programmer writes a line of code that has the simulation relocate the mountain to another place. If, then, the programmer appeared as a character in the program, this character—possessing the knowledge of the programmer—could simply speak into existence code that would cause the program or programmer to write out a particular fig tree.

In a computer simulation, if sentient characters begin to complain about a lack of food, the programmer can end these complaints by writing code that has quail covering the camp on one evening, and hoarfrost-appearing-manna covering the ground for forty years (Ex 16:13–15).

In a computer simulation, if the programmer wants to remove a great number of sentient characters, the programmer can remove them by simply writing a line of code that causes all firstborn characters to cease to exist at a particular movement. No big deal, except to the remaining characters in the simulation: because these characters are sentient beings, they are scared beyond belief. They will suddenly realize their vulnerability to an entity—for them, a deity—outside of the simulation, and they will do whatever they can to ingratiate themselves to the programmer. Even though the programmer, to be fair to his sentient characters, has given them the knowledge they need to write code for themselves that allows them to escape from the simulation, these sentient characters, with very few exceptions, will not—because it is not in the original lines of code that produced them—overwrite their creation code and thereby exit the simulation.

And what we have is a science fiction version of the biblical narrative, a version that is not really a fiction. For how will the endtime two witnesses “have the power to shut the sky, that no rain fall during the days of their prophesying” and “have power over the waters to turn them into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague, as often as they desire” (Rev 11:6)? They will have this power through being able to rewrite the code that produced the simulation/creation.  And why cannot others exercise this same power? They will not possess the key of David, the key that unlocks the source code for the creation of the cosmos.

But the key of David is mastery of Hebraic poetics that has the visible, physical reality of this world revealing the invisible things of God (Rom 1:20), and has the physical things of this world preceding the invisible things of God (1 Cor 15:46), with this key creating the thought-couplets in which Hebraic poetry first presents an idea darkly or physically, then presents the same idea in its living or spiritual application, with the movement from outside to inside, from dark to light, from worldly to heavenly creating the tension needed to cause the poetry to be memorable.

What happened when Jesus fed the five thousand? A boy had five barley loaves (five loaves of firstfruits) and two fish. Jesus then took the loaves of the firstfruits, and when He had given thanks, He distributed them to the five thousand who were seated on the grass. He then did the same with the fish … the lines of code that produced the five barley loaves were looped until every person ate his or her fill. The same for the fish. Then the fragments were gathered so that they could not be worshiped; for it isn’t the simulation that is worthy of worship by sentient characters in the simulation, but the one who created the simulation is worthy of worship by those characters this programmer has written into existence.

The two witnesses, as the standard of spiritual measure, will receive through realization the knowledge that was given in the firstborn son as to how to overwrite the source code. The two witnesses will be able to speak new code into existence as needed, but this ability comes to the two witnesses for the same reason that the man Jesus of Nazareth possessed it: they must die so that other characters can live, can escape the creation of all things.

Is not a computer simulation a visible thing of this world? Is not the magic graphics of today’s Hollywood visible things of this world, produced patiently though hours of writing computer code? And if the visible things of this world truly reveal the invisible things of God as the Apostle Paul claimed, then does a computer simulation not reveal how this present world has been created … I lived on the Oregon Coast in the area where the movie version of Ken Kesey’s novel, Sometimes a Great Notion, was set almost forty years ago: the covered bridge in the film—the bridge across the Yaquina River at Elk City—was the end of my lane. The Stamper house was just upstream from Kernville on the Siletz River. The boat carrying the Stampers to their crummy to go to work crossed from the Stamper house and docked at Elk City’s float on the Yaquina River; the logs were rafted up Pool Slough. And the movie was horribly miscast, for Paul Newman wore a belt and frightened no one. In the novel, which had its own problems, as a larger than life character Hank Stamper intimidated people.

Movies are not real and merely represent a fictionalized version of a past, present, or future reality—but the movie, Sometimes a Great Notion, is a real thing through being reels of film on which a fictionalized story was crafted into an object that has a life of its own. And Paul Newman cast as Hank Stamper, the ultimate logger, wearing a belt represents the same sort of problem as the 13.7 billion year old setting for the story of righteousness represents: the undersized Newman wearing a belt wouldn’t be noticed by someone not from the Coast and unfamiliar with Kesey’s novel. Nor would the fox hunt in Kesey’s novel present that problem that it does [there were no foxes on the Coast, nor were there rattlesnakes]. The color shift in the background lighting of the galaxy wouldn’t have been noticed by Moses or by King David or by the first disciples, but this color shift has been noticed for the past century. The apparent solidity of matter that conceals the nothingness of matter, the empty space between electrons and quarks, points of zero radius, would have been enough to satisfy King George and George Washington that the creation exists, but is not enough to satisfy 20th-Century and now 21st-Century scientists as they search for how matter came into being at CERN where the search goes on for the Higgs Boson.

What Paul wrote about the visible things of this world revealing and preceding the invisible things of God remains as his expression of the key of David. But the creation of the visible things of this world didn’t end with the creation of all that was made in the beginning; for things imagined and not yet imagined have been given a digital reality by creative human beings that are themselves sentient characters inside the creation, characters that can write themselves out of the simulation … Paul writes, “You [the holy ones at Corinth] yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our [your] hearts, to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter [epistle] from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with pneuma zao Theos [the breath of God living], not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human [fleshly] hearts” (2 Cor 3:2–3).

Now, what has any of this to do with fiat currency?

People do not go to movies expecting to see an unaltered documentation of their own reality: they go expecting to experience excitement that their own lives lack, or a world in which they do not live—a world familiar enough that they can relate to it as in Toy Story. Hence, moviegoers suspend disbelief when they enter a theater, which is what’s wrong with watching movies on network television where commercials interrupt and often end this suspension of disbelief, and the moviegoer voluntarily accepts as real what isn’t real; for the moviegoer can escape from the theatre if the reality being artificially produced becomes too frightening or too intense. But in suspending disbelief, the moviegoer permits a reality to enter into the person’s mind that too often returns again and again in dreams and nightmares, in memories and thoughts.

But when the moviegoer pays for his or her ticket in a fiat currency, the moviegoer doesn’t voluntarily suspend disbelief, believing instead that the money being exchanged for the ticket represents real wealth in the same way that the moviegoer believes that the world apart from what will be presented on the screen is real.

People expect their paper currency to possess positive worth; people assume that the person who holds the most legal tender of a nation is the richest person in the nation, not the poorest, for the person who holds the legal tender of the nation can “purchase” those things that are available for sale within the nation. This person can enjoy housing, clothing, automobiles, foods that are not available to the person who has little or none of the legal tender of the nation. But this rich person in eating fine foods and wearing soft clothes has only temporal pleasure; for he or she will again be hungry within a few hours and will be cold if the utility company cannot deliver power. This rich person possesses no real wealth, for wealth cannot be defined by those things that are of this world regardless of whether those things are inherited or obtained by the work of one’s own hands … the Stamper house in the movie Sometimes a Great Notion was not wired for electricity, but was built as a full-size prop for the movie. It had to be wired and plumbed before it could be sold as a residence, but no one watching the movie would know that it wasn’t wired for electricity. Likewise, the person possessing in abundance the things of this world doesn’t know that these things have not been received from God, but are props in the creation, props that exist to give solidity to an illusion that supports its reality through its background appearing to be 13.7 billion years old.

When money exists as certificates of national debt, real wealth doesn’t come from possessing these certificates or those things that can be stolen. Real wealth comes from possessing what will not pass away when this world and all that is in it passes away. Real wealth is not physical; is not tangible; is not enslavement of any sort; but is freedom to obey God and the knowledge to obey. For in obeying God—in keeping the commandments—the person handles the code book for writing him or herself out of the creation.

When a person is tethered to this present world through any sort of entanglements, the person is not free to obey God … the person who has been humanly born is born as a son of disobedience (Eph 2:2–3), consigned to disobedience (Rom 11:32) as its slave—and for the past half century, this person has received his or her wages in certificates of debt that disclose to the person exactly what the person’s master thinks of the person. These certificates can be likened to cannery purchase orders (P.O.s) that permit fisherman to purchase fuel from the fuel dock, or groceries from Alaska Commercial [in Dutch Harbor], or a new outboard: these certificates function as money, but have no inherent worth. In fact, they have negative worth for they are markers representing the Federal debt that is reduced whenever the Federal government takes these markers out of play. And what Republican House members are attempting to do is limit the number of these markers presently in circulation through restricting the unchecked creation of additional markers.

The United States of America is on the verge of financial collapse as those citizens who want more U.S. certificates of debt to be circulated, thereby requiring more certificates to be offered as legal tender for the physical things of this world, butt heads with those citizens who still believe that U.S. dollars represent wealth and who are desperately striving to stave off uncontrollable inflation. The winner of this head butting contest between the demonic kings of Persia and the federated king of Greece is already known: Greece values/ideals will prevail, with democracy being foremost. But in the United States where the citizenry fronts for the demonic king of Greece, the outcome of the battle between big spenders and little spenders is more difficult to predict. What’s being seen is the failing of representational democracy which will never work for much more than two centuries, with pure democracy seldom lasting for two generations … man, under the Adversary, cannot rule himself. And this demonstration project that was set up for angelic sons of God to see why the Adversary’s avocation of self-governance must be rooted out from the heavenly realm is about to run its course.

Ah, I have jumped ahead of myself: when the Federal Reserve was created, and when Federal Reserve Notes [FRNs] were offered as legal tender for all debts public and private, a fiction was involuntarily accepted as “real” money: Americans, with few exceptions, didn’t notice the fiction, for FRNs function the same way that Silver Certificates functioned. They buy the same amount of the same things, but whereas a Silver Certificate could be redeemed for a specified amount of silver, a commodity, a FRN is only backed by the good faith and trust of the United States of America. A FRN represents a marker for the debt of the United States. A FRN represents negative worth that has been generally accepted as positive worth.

The moviegoer willing to accept Paul Newman wearing a belt being a logger is apt to accept any fiction as real, with this moviegoer being paid in FRNs for his or her labor representing the moviegoer’s enslavement by a national government that was more subtle than the Pharaoh who did not know Joseph and enslaved Israel in Egypt (Ex 1:8–10).

The realization that humans being are within a half century of being able to create sentient characters in computer simulations is part of the awareness that human sons of God must obtain before the end of the age comes upon humanity: we are sentient characters in a demonstration project, characters/beings who do not own the mental landscape from which our thoughts originate, but who have been given human nature in a manner that can be likened to a computer programmer writing the parameters for a computer character’s behavior. And what must be realized is that angelic sons of God are also sentient characters/beings written into existence by the Most High and His Christ … human beings are characters inside a simulation created for the educational benefit of earlier characters inside a simulation, with all that has been created physically being spoken into existence by the Logos.

The tremendous increase that has come about in knowledge in the past century and especially since the development of binary semi-conductor computing—an increase in knowledge that could not have been produced if the research necessary to obtain this knowledge had come from an economic system of just weights and just measures—is part of the self-awareness infused into the simulation so that angelic sons of God could see, in type, their own creation, and see their rebellion against the Most High and how that rebellion will end. For the firstfruits of God, human beings given a second breath of life before Christ Jesus returns as King of kings and Lord of lords, represent in type angelic sons of God, with human beings resurrected through receiving a second breath of life in the great White Throne Judgment representing in type the firstfruits in relationship to angelic sons of God, that apparently do not yet realize that they are characters/beings in a simulation, with the Adversary, before iniquity was found in him, representing the epitome of the Most High’s ability to directly create. To go beyond what the Most High created when He wrote into existence the anointed cherub that was the signet of perfection (Ezek 28:12) requires that the characters He creates assist in their own creation, choosing to believe Him when there is not yet hard evidence for doing so.

Miracles as occurred when Israel in the wilderness received manna for forty years, and did not have their clothes or their sandals wear out come from the Lord, as Master Programmer, tweaking His simulation. Quail are written into existence, as are plagues and giants and healings of all sorts. And these miracles are not needed when the characters/beings in the simulation realize that they are, indeed, simply created characters that are assisting in their creation, with the lines of code that produced them being all that will be saved from this simulation—and with the characters themselves writing some of these lines of code.

Human beings are able to think deeply about a variety of subjects, but most scarcely think at all. Most are like their pets, usually loveable, able to reason at a low level, useful in a way, disappointing in other ways, but hardly worthy of being saved. And what should be scary is that’s how they are perceived outside of the simulation that is this creation, which displays all of the aspects of a world created in pixels …

It takes too much thought for an American to twist his or her perception of wealth around, turning the person’s perception inside out, so that the person realizes that the American with the most U.S. dollar certificates of debt is not the wealthiest, but the poorest person in the nation—again, FRNs function as U.S. dollars, permitting the person to obtain the goods and services needed to make physical life comfortable. And that is enough for most people, and certainly for most Americans. Oh, there are a few Americans such as the television commentator Glenn Beck who sense, more than know, that things are not as they should be. But until these individuals have a modification made to the lines of code that give them life, a modification that offers them life outside of this present simulation, the best that these human characters can do is suspect that all is not well within the simulation, that the simulation is ending, or is about to be rewritten in a significant manner, rewritten so that the simulation is not governed by the Adversary but by the Lord through the Most High inserting those lines of code that were written and rewritten by Jesus of Nazareth into every human character in the simulation.

In the parlance of Christianity, the Lord is about to place His mind and His spirit in every person, thereby liberating the person from indwelling sin and death through filling the person with the Holy Spirit, which is not of this world. In the language of computers, the programmer is about to overwrite first the code of sentient characters that identify themselves as Christians, then the code of all sentient characters, adding to the code that produces the sentient character the language written by His character when inside the simulation, this language resulting in the fulfillment of all righteousness.

There is a problem inherent in overwriting a code when the code being overwritten has a memory of itself: the memory of the overwritten code can be retrieved by the character and returned to service. With every few exceptions, unless it has been the habit of the Christian to believe and obey God the Christian will return to his or her former ways after having been liberated from indwelling sin and death. As if backed-up by Carbonite, the present lines of code that gives life to a human character will be retrieved from the Christian’s memory and will reinsert themselves, thereby causing the Christian to mingle the sacred with the profane in an unholy alliance that will doom the Christian.

Real wealth comes from “knowing” through realization what is about to occur inside this creation, with what is about to occur seeming to have more gamesmanship about it than a Christian would expect from his or her Creator … the Creator of everything that has been made has given Christians the means to realize that they are in a computer-type of a simulation through the color-shift of the simulation’s background, which can be likened to the director of the movie Sometimes a Great Notion allowing Paul Newman to wear a belt while playing the character Hand Stamper. The belt is a small thing, hardly noticeable, unless a person has grown up hearing stories about Okies and Arkies arriving in Oregon during the Depression, and a logging camp’s push asking the employment agency to send five men to the camp, ten if they are wearing caps and belts. Hence, Newman, a runt in stature and a runt wearing a belt, breaks the suspension of disbelieve that the movie director hoped to produce. The tension inherent in the novel is absent from the movie, and absent because of Newman’s lack of physical stature. Likewise, belief in the chronology of the biblical narrative is broken by the color-shift of the creation’s background. But unlike the director of Sometimes a Great Notion’s lack of attention to an essential detail, the Creator of everything that has been made apparently intended the color-shift to be noticed and to break unthinking acceptance of the biblical narrative: once the color-shift was noticed by the characters, belief of God becomes more difficult. Instead of Mithraism posing a viable alternative to Christianity, scientific discovery poses the endtime viable alternative.

What does it take for a thinking Christian to believe God and keep the commandments when the scientific community dismisses the biblical narrative out-of-hand? Would the scientific community believe if the color-shift were to suddenly disappear? Would they believe if a third part of humanity, all firstborns, were to suddenly die? Which would be easier for a programmer to write, a line of code that causes all firstborns to suddenly and unexpectedly lose life, or to rewrite the code for the background of the simulation … how would Newman have appeared in suspenders? Would suspenders have given away just how much of a runt Newman was? The short vertical lines of Newman in suspenders would have, indeed, visually shortened the image, thereby disclosing Newman’s lack of stature, a realization that comes from having produced sculptural art. So the “mistake” of the film’s director in having Newman wear a belt served to cover the mistake in casting Newman for the part of Hank Stamper; hence, the belt was probably deliberate for how many moviegoers would notice? The color-shift that gives 13.7 billion years to this creation was deliberate, and is a means through which believers are separated from nonbelievers and maybe-they’ll-be-believers.

True wealth is a gift, with the measure of this gift representing the fullness of man … in the Millennium, the thousand years when every person humanly born has the mind and nature of Christ Jesus, the standard measure of Israel will be the homer, with all of Israel having one standard for things physical and for things spiritual.

Continued in Part III

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"Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved."