December 31, 2005 ©Homer
Printable File
Commentary — From the Margins
The Last Shall Be First
The Left Behind book and now film series presents the dogma of
Protestant Dispensation’s portrayal of the antiChrist as a charismatic human
being possessed by Satan. As with all of Dispensation’s understanding of
Scripture, there is an element of truth within the lie believed by the last
Eve, but there isn’t enough truth to prevent the rebellion of Christians when
the lawless one is revealed (2 Thess 2:3). This
lawless one, or man of perdition who will be revealed, comes by the workings of
Satan (v. 9). He will declare himself God (v. 4), but will be slain by the breath [pneuma] of Christ Jesus (v. 8) when He fights on a
day of battle (Zech 14:3). And the understanding that Dispensation scholars
lack is that the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of the Most High and
of His Christ (Rev 11:15 & Dan
7:9-14) halfway through the seven endtime years of tribulation, not at the
conclusion of this seven years period. Satan and his angels, cast from heaven
(Rev 12:9-10) when the split Mount of Olives (Zech 14:4) swallows the flood
sent after fleeing saints (Rev 12:16), still have forty-two months [1260 days,
or a time, times, and half a time] to
wreak havoc. When cast from heaven, when cast into time, Satan will know that
his days are numbered. He will devour as many saints
as he can before the battle of Armageddon sends him into the bottomless pit for
a thousand years.
The destruction
of the man of perdition and of the armies surrounding Jerusalem occurs in the
middle of the seven endtime years, occurs when dominion is taken from the four
beasts of Daniel chapter seven (v.
12). The court of the Ancient of Days extends the life of the first three
beasts for a season and a time, but the fourth beast is dealt a mortal wound by
the Spirit of Christ Jesus through the public resurrection of the two witnesses
(Rev 11:7-13). Death, the fourth horseman (Rev 6:8) and the beast dealt a
mortal wound (Dan 7:7, 11), is also the spiritual king of the North, one of
four horns that sprout around the stump of the broken great horn.
When the
prophet Daniel received knowledge of a great conflict (Dan 10:1) that would, in
the latter days (v. 14), affect Daniel’s
people, the natural nation of Israel, the sar [prince or king] of Persia
withstood the angel coming to Daniel for twenty-one days. Only when the
archangel Michael intervened on behalf of the messenger could this angel get
away from the kings (v. 13) of Persia—and
when this messenger returned from visiting Daniel, he would have to fight with
the king of Persia.
It should be noted: the angel bringing the prophet Daniel knowledge of what is
written in the book of truth isn’t fighting against human kings of Persia,
or a human king of Greece.
Daniel’s reaction to seeing this angel would be typical of any other human
being’s response. No earthly king would have any strength to oppose this angel.
So rebelling angelic beings are identified by the angel bringing Daniel
knowledge of what is written in the book of truth as kings or princes of Persia,
and the singular king or prince [sar] of Greece.
And the great conflict that will affect the nation of Israel
in the latter days involves these rebelling angels; for in the latter days, Israel
will be a spiritual nation to whom life in the heavenly realm has been given by
birth from above through receipt of the Holy Spirit.
In all things,
the natural precedes the spiritual (1 Cor 15:46),
and the visible reveals the invisible (Rom 1:20).
Thus, as there was/is a visibly circumcised natural or physical nation of Israel,
holy to YHWH, its
Elohim (Exod 20:2), there is now a
spiritual nation of Israel,
a chosen race, holy (1 Pet 2:9) to the Father [Theon from John 1:1] and the Son, the Father’s Christ. This
spiritual nation is invisibly circumcised through writing the laws of God on
hearts and minds (Heb 8:10 & Jer
31:33). This latter nation of Israel
consists of spiritual sons of God presently housed in tents of flesh while the
nation individually and collectively matures. And as human children sometimes
roughly use and abuse the house in which they mature, sons of God roughly use
and abuse the fleshly tents in which they mature.
The house in
which a child matures isn’t the child. Likewise, the fleshly tent in which a son
of God matures isn’t the son. Whether the house in which a human child dwells
has indoor or outdoor plumbing doesn’t define the child. Whether the house is
painted white or brown or red or yellow doesn’t effect who the child will
become. Whether the house is purchased or rented or handed down through
generations doesn’t change the potential of the child. Likewise, sons of God
are neither male nor female, Jew or Greek, free or bond (Gal 3:28); they are not the tents in which they
dwell. Thus, the juxtaposition of natural Israel
living in fabric or animal skin tents with spiritual Israel
living in fleshly tents holds. A physically circumcised Israelite, a Levite to
be specific, serving in the fabric tabernacle—this tent housing the wood ark of
the covenant, inside of which were two stone tablets (on which the visible
finger of God wrote His commandments), the earthly jar of manna and Aaron’s budded
staff, and alongside of which was the book of Deuteronomy as the witness
against Israel (Deu 31:26 & John 5:45-46)—forms the lively shadow of a
spiritual Israelite, a member of the royal priesthood called out of darkness
and into the marvelous light of Christ Jesus (1 Pet 2:9-10). The first shall be
last, for the natural nation did not pursue righteousness by faith “but as if
it were based upon works” (Rom 9:32)…when
moving from physical to spiritual, works becomes faith. Enemies are not
defeated with slings and swords, but through enduring in faith, which comes
from the inside of the Israelite. And when the inside of the cup is clean, the
entire vessel will be clean. The “works” of the disciple will now satisfy the
law whereas the petty legalism of the scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’ day were
as used sanitary napkins to God.
Endtime Israel
does not, today, encompass the natural nation of Israel,
or the nation that presently occupies Judah.
Endtime Israel
will, however, encompass those natural Israelites during the first half of the
seven endtime years of tribulation. Those observant natural Israelites who
continue to keep the Commandments, especially the Sabbath commandment, while
accepting Christ Jesus as their Savior, will receive circumcised hearts and
minds, a euphemistic expression for receiving the Holy Spirit. But it will do a
natural Israelite no good to accept “the Lord,” then rebel against Him by
attempting to enter His rest on the following day, the eighth day. Such a
person will take upon him- or herself the spiritual mark of death, while the
natural Israelite who continues to keep the Sabbath might die as righteousness
Abel died, but he (or she) will lose only physical life. The Israelite’s
fleshly tent might be destroyed, but by faith (which will now enter into
keeping the Commandments) the natural Israelite will have saved his or her
spiritual life. Thus, after the spiritual firstborn son of God is empowered by
the Holy Spirit and hence liberated from the law of sin and death that
presently dwells in every disciple’s fleshly members (Rom 7:25), and after the
majority of this spiritual nation rebels against God by trying to enter His
rest on the following day, the observant members of the natural nation of
Israel will receive their chance for salvation though the terms of the second
covenant, initially mediated by Moses (Deu chaps 29-31).
When the lawless one comes by the workings of Satan as the little
horn of the fourth beast (Dan 7:8, 20), this man of perdition will make war
against the saints and will attempt to change times and the law (vv. 21, 25). The saints will be
given into his hand for three and a half years; they will be sacrificed as the
firstfruits of the Father, with the first of the firstfruits being Jesus of
Nazareth. Saints will not be bodily raptured to heaven, nor will they go to a
physical place of safety. Rather, because sin will no longer be in their
fleshly members, they will be the acceptable sacrifice that Christ Jesus has
been since Calvary. And Jesus said, ‘“A disciple is not
above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for the
disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master’” (Matt 10:24-25). Thus, when the Son of Man is
revealed (Luke 17:26-30), the Head of whom is Christ Jesus and the body being
the Church, faithful disciples will be like their teacher, and will die, being
maligned as legalists and Judaizers, teaching
doctrines of the devil (again, Matt 10:25).
Once empowered
by the Holy Spirit, sin, and especially, death will no longer be within each
born-from-above disciple, but must come to saints from the hands of others
(Matt 10:20-21 & 24:9-13). Note: Jesus’ sending of the Twelve foreshadows
Him sending forth disciples at the end of the age. Jesus’ sends the Twelve not
to the Gentiles or to the Samaritans, but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
At the end of the age, Jesus will likewise send forth disciples to the lost
sheep of the natural nation of Israel,
who will receive or not receive these disciples. The natural Israelite ‘“who
receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward’”
(Matt 10:41)—not one of Jesus’
disciples went forth as a prophet: Jesus was the prophet. The natural Israelite
who, during the first half of the seven endtime years, receives Jesus will
receive a prophet’s reward. And during this first half, when observant members
of the natural nation receive circumcised hearts and minds [naphesh], they will be born empowered of
Spirit and will, as such, be spiritual virgins, having committed no previous
sin [for they had no life] in the heavenly realm. During the last 1260 days of
the endtime years, one hundred forty-four thousand of them will follow the Lamb
wherever He goes (Rev 14:4). They will truly have received a prophet’s reward.
Therefore, with
the first being last, and the physical preceding the spiritual, the great
conflict between the first sars of Persia and of Greece occurs after the conflict
between visible, physical kings that saw Alexander the Great fly out of the
west to defeat Persia in a ten-year campaign…the words of the book of truth
that the prophet Daniel received about what would happen to his people in the
latter days were sealed and kept secret until the time of the end (Dan 12:4,
9). They were sealed and kept secret by their shadow.
Caused by the
blocking of direct light, shadows are lifeless representations of things or
entities; shadows are always in one less dimension than that which they
represent. The shadow of a physically circumcised Israelite is a dark,
lifeless, two-dimensional copy of the Israelite that is distorted by the angle
which light strikes the breathing person. Likewise, the shadow of a spiritually
circumcised (born of Spirit) disciple is a physically circumcised Israelite,
who has no life but that which comes from his breath. Thus, the shadow of the
spiritual king of Babylon who blocks the light of God and who will be bound in
the bottomless pit for a thousand years (Isa 14:4-21)
was king Nebuchadnezzar, who was cast from his throne and spent seven years
with the mind of a beast as Satan will be cast from his (Rev 12:9-10). The
shadow of the sar of Persia
who resisted the angel bringing Daniel knowledge of what was written in the
book of truth and who also blocks the light of God was the spiritually lifeless
king of Persia
who pushed against the Greeks. Likewise, the shadow of the first horn on the
head of the king of Greece is the equally spiritually lifeless Alexander the
Great, while the shadows of the four horns or kings that arose after the great
horn was broken were the four generals that received Alexander’s kingdom. And
in every case, the shadow of the spirit being, each part of the spiritual king
of Babylon’s hierarchy,
has been a human king that was not born of Spirit, and as such, had no life in
the heavenly realm.
enthusiastic pastors and preachers have taught that the historical accuracy of
Daniel’s visions is the definitive proof of God, but almost as many biblical
scholars scorn Daniel because of that historical accuracy. These scholars
contend that the book of Daniel had to be written during the reign of Antiochus
Epiphanes IV, but before the Maccabees drove the Greeks out of Jerusalem
(Daniel doesn’t, scholars claim, have the right story ending). But neither
prophecy pundits nor scholars understand the visions that were sealed and kept
secret for two and a half millennia: the fulfillment of Daniel’s vision is only
now happening in the heavenly realm.
Historical fact
has the Medes, then Persians, collectively overturning Nebuchadnezzar’s empire;
they form the two horns of the ram, with the longer horn being the Persians
that rose after the Medes. Then Alexander defeated the Persians; the he-goat
that flies out from the west tramples the ram. Alexander dies suddenly in a
drunken debauch, and his empire is divided between four generals; the first or
great horn of the he-goat is suddenly broken, and four horns spring up from its
stump. The four divisions of Alexander’s empire quickly become two, with the
northern division (the Seleucid Empire) absorbing the eastern and western
divisions and eventually pushing the southern division (the Ptolemaic Empire)
out of Judea. The details of the
Seleucids’ fight against the Ptolemies closely
matches the king of the North’s fight against the king of the South for
eventual control of Judea. Thus, historic events match
what Daniel received in his second vision [8th chapter] and of the
angel [11th chapter] with the uncanny accuracy that the many
faithless scholars have noted. And the accuracy with which historic events
satisfy Daniel’s prophecies sealed
these visions and has kept secret the
knowledge of what will happen to Israel
in the latter days. No other fulfillment of these prophecies was sought, nor
However, Jesus,
when answering His disciples’ question about what would be the sign of His
coming and the close of the age (Matt 24:3), said, ‘“So when you see the
abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel standing in the holy
place (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the
mountains’” (vv. 15-16). Thus, the
abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel—in chapter 11, verse 31—comes at
the close of the age and only shortly precedes Jesus’ Second Coming. The
statute of Zeus that Antiochus Epiphanes IV ordered placed in the Jerusalem
temple’s Holy of holies is not the prophesied abomination of desolation. Rather,
making a logical leap, the lawless one who comes by the workings of Satan and
who declares himself God is the prophesied abomination. And according to the
angel that told Daniel to go his way, from ‘“the time that the regular burnt
offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there
shall be 1,290 days”’ (Dan 12:11). The angel added, ‘“Blessed is he who waits
and arrives at the 1,335 days”’ (v.
The visions of
Daniel pertain to the first half of the seven endtime years of tribulation.
They do not pertain to the second half, when the kingdom of the world becomes
the kingdom of the Most High and of His Christ, and the third part of humanity
is gathered to God and harvested. Daniel’s visions do not pertain to when Satan
and his angels are cast into time; for the split Mount of Olives is the stone
cut without hands that crushes the feet and toes of the humanoid image of
spiritual Babylon that King Nebuchadnezzar saw (Dan 2:34-35, 44-45). The prince
whose end comes with a flood (Dan 9:26)
is the lawless one who has come by the workings of Satan. The split Mount
of Olives swallows the flood (Rev
12:16 & Exod 15:12)
as the Sea of Reeds
swallowed the armies of Pharaoh. Satan, when cast from heaven, sends the
flood—and there still remains the emergence of the three kings of the sar
of Greece,
along with the head of the fourth beast that was dealt a mortal wound. The
composite first beast of Revelation chapter 13 is the sar of Greece,
who has had dominion taken from it and must receive authority from the dragon
(Rev 13:2). But the authority it receives is the purloined authority of the Son
of Man, with the dragon usurping the authority of Christ Jesus by claiming to
be the returned messiah. Therefore, led by the remnant that keep the
commandments of God, the empowered third part of humanity, born from above as a
spiritual Seth, makes mental war against the dragon by enduring without buying
and selling, but by trusting in God. For forty-two months, this third part
lives by faith.
So the 1,335
days end with the conclusion of the second woe (Rev
11:14), end when the split Mount of Olives
swallows the armies that had been surrounding Jerusalem,
end when dominion is taken from the lion, bear, leopard, and cross. The third
woe occurs in the last forty-two months. And indeed, the one who arrives at the
1,335 days will be blessed, for the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon all
flesh (Joel 2:28), and all who
endure to the end shall be saved (Matt 24:13).
Whereas the
visions of Daniel have been used for the past two-plus millennia to support a
cosmic struggle between good and evil that has sons of light wrestling with
agents of darkness and fantastical beasts, no such cosmic struggle has been
occurring. Spiritual Babylon (its
king, Satan the devil) has been allowed to reign over humanity during the first
six spiritual days of a seven-day week. But its time is short: the ruler of
this world has been defeated. At sunset of the sixth day, spiritual Babylon
will be crushed by a stone cut without hands, and the kingdom of the world will
become the kingdom of the Most High and of His Christ (Rev 11:15). The kingdom of the world will be given to the
Son of Man, the Head being Christ Jesus and the body the Church as evidenced by
what happens when the court of the Ancient of Days sits in judgment. However,
the day of the Lord, or Lord’s day begins with its
dark or night portion, and this dark portion will be the last 1260 days or 42
months of the seven endtime years of tribulation. The light of God—Jesus is the light (John 12:46)—will have received the kingdom of the world, but
will not have come as the all-powerful Messiah. Rather, during this night
portion of the Lord’s day, the glorified Jesus will be
with the 144,000 spiritual virgins. So the dawning of day or light portion of
the Lord’s day begins with Armageddon and the
slaughter of those who have taken the mark of death (i.e., the tattoo of the
cross) upon themselves. The birds will feast, and the blood will run deep; for
many will have accepted Satan, when he is cast from heaven, as the returned
Christ. Many will love tradition more than they love the truth.
The beasts of
Daniel’s first vision [chapter seven] are the four horns or kings that arise
when the first king of the spiritual king of Greece
is suddenly broken (because he is “first”). This great horn is broken when
firstborns not covered by the sacrificed paschal Lamb of God are slain on the
second Passover liberation of Israel.
And this liberation occurs near the beginning of the 1,335 days, with the
forty-plus year story of physically circumcised Israel’s
liberation from bondage to Pharaoh and journey to God’s rest forming the shadow
of Israel
during these days. Again, a distinction will be established between the
spiritually circumcised nation and those who have not yet been born of Spirit,
but are of the nations. Israel
will, then, be liberated from sin and death through empowerment by the Holy
Spirit, and with liberation, the temple
of God (1 Cor 3:16-17) that is the revealed body of the Son of Man will be
“measured” (Rev 11:1-2). Empowered disciples will no longer be clothed by the
robe of Christ’s righteousness, nor will they need the garment of Grace. Who or
whatever they are inside will be revealed through their actions following
liberation. The disciple who has cleaned the inside of his or her cup will be
clean throughout. But the disciple who has harbored filth or envy or any other
uncleanness will be known by the outward manifestation of that inner sin. No
sacrifice remains for the filthy disciple, who by his or her filth will have
committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the taking away of the
“daily,” the regular burnt offering, occurs in the first half of the seven
endtime years, occurs when the Son of Man is revealed.
The crucifixion
of Jesus of Nazareth at Calvary, in addition to being
the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb of God, was also the sacrificial reality of
the daily. Thus, the day-by-day
putting on of Christ’s righteousness as a garment spiritually equates to the regular
burnt offering made by physically circumcised Israelites. As such, the taking
away of the daily will have disciples
not putting on this garment of Grace; for the empowerment of disciples by the
Holy Spirit liberates them from the law of sin and death that has been dwelling
in their fleshly members. They will, figuratively, be unrobed and their
nakedness revealed; they will be as the first and the last Adam were (and the
last Adam is first). So when the Son of Man is revealed, disciples’ only covering
for sin will be their obedience to the laws of God. Therefore, from the time
when God sets His hand to begin to recover Israel,
in a manner analogous to how YHWH
intervened with Pharaoh through Moses, there shall be 1,335 days until the
kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of the Most High and of His Christ.
(Again note: this is not when Jesus returns as the all-powerful Messiah.
Another 1260 days will pass before He returns. A major error scholars who
employ historical exegesis have made is teaching as dogma that the Second
Coming occurs immediately after or even before the kingdom of the world becomes
the kingdom of the Father and the Son.) And within these 1,335 days, the daily
sacrifice is taken away, and 1,290 days after that the man of perdition will
declare himself god. Thus, the second Passover liberation of Israel
and the revealing of the lawless one occur early in these 1,335 days, and the
lawless one declaring himself god occurs near the conclusion of these days. The
temple of God
(disciples form the temple) is measured at the beginning of the 1,335 days, and
after the temple is measured, the 1260 day ministry of the two witnesses
begins. Their ministry concludes with the end of the 1,335 days. So apparently
the measuring of the temple takes 75 days.
The lot of
circumcised Israelites under Pharaoh became worse before the nation was
liberated with the tenth plague. Likewise, the lot of spiritually circumcised
Israelites will worsen in the days immediately preceding the second Passover
liberation of God’s holy nation. The measuring of the temple
of God will be a testing of
disciples, a proving of the firstborn son of the last Eve. And again, disciples
are not bodily raptured to heaven because of their righteousness, nor will
disciples go to a place of physical safety because God protects them from
additional trials. Rather, they and their love of “truth” are measured—and what will be found is that
most disciples do not love the truth
and will not hear the voice of Jesus or believe the One who sent Him (John
5:24). They will not take the Passover sacraments as Jesus established the
example. Rather, they offer to God bread [even leavened white bread] and wine
or grape juice or water as the fruit of the ground. Bread and wine are only the
body and blood of Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God, one night of the year, the
night He was betrayed. On every other night, they are what Cain offered to God.
And Cain would have been accepted if he had done well. Instead, the sin that
lurked at his door overcame him, and he slew his righteous brother. Likewise,
the firstborn son of God who today takes the sacraments of bread and wine
whenever he wants (daily, weekly, quarterly, or on a Thursday evening once a
year) consumes bread and wine, not the body and blood of the Lamb. Yet this
firstborn son would be accepted by God if he did well. However, sin lurks at
his door, and he will kill his righteous brother, believing that he does God a
favor when he does so. He will be marked for death. And the irony is, he will voluntarily take upon himself that mark, believing
that taking the tattoo of the cross demonstrates that he is the true follower
of Christ Jesus. He will be, he is today deceived.
As an aside, when I was initially
drafted to reread prophecy on Thursday of the second full week in January 2002,
a claim I make with as much boldness as Paul does for having received his
gospel “though a revelation of Christ Jesus” (Gal 1:12), my understanding of
biblical prophecy was very much that taught within the slivered Sabbath-keeping
Churches of God. I wasn’t particularly interested in prophecy, and certainly
wasn’t interested in writing about prophecy. I had, within the previous year,
published several books, and my intention was to market those works of fiction
and nonfiction. But that wasn’t to be. Rather, I began writing what I then
thought I knew—and immediately, I found that Scripture didn’t say what I had
been taught. Rome, the Roman
Empire, and the Roman Church are nowhere mentioned in any prophecy
whereas Babylon, Persia,
and Greece are.
I realized that the visions of Daniel were sealed by their shadow, and the
mistranslation of chi xi stigma was
apparent. But when I sent a first book about prophecy to press two months after
being drafted (and a second book a month later), I didn’t understand the
timeline given to the prophet Daniel, and I certainly didn’t know that I was
practicing typological exegesis.
Now, within two
weeks of being four years later, by revelation of the Holy Spirit—which hasn’t
come all at once, but little by little—I better understand the dates given. And
as Paul, throughout his ministry, had to contend with the circumcision faction,
I and those who practice and will practice typological exegesis will have to
contend with a myriad of false prophecy pundits who, like little puppets
manipulated by long dead puppeteers, echo traditional understandings about the
then sealed and secret visions of Daniel. These puppets will have the larger
followings and the better-funded ministries, and they will have all that they
will ever receive. The sad part is that they will convince many disciples to
believe an escapist lie…during the 1,335 days [actual days] that conclude with
the court of the Ancient of Days sitting in judgment of the four beasts or
kings, the first two spiritual sons of the last Adam and the last Eve will die,
or will be marked for death when Christ returns. Except for the 144,000 virgins
from that natural nation of Israel
and for the remnant that keep the commandments and have the spirit of prophecy,
all of Christianity will be either spiritually or physically dead. And this is
not a message designed, packaged, and marketed to attract tithes and offerings.
Rather, this is the harsh reality of what rereading prophecy reveals.
The first
spiritual son of the last Adam and last Eve has relaxed one of the least of the
commandments (i.e., the Sabbath commandment) and has taught others to do so,
and the first spiritual son will be called least in the kingdom of heaven (Matt
5:19). He will be last.
The second spiritual
son of the last Adam and the last Eve, the Church, left spiritual Babylon,
and with a commission to rebuild the spiritual house of God, has journeyed
toward God’s rest for nearly five millennia. It will be from this second son
that Christ Jesus sends His disciples to the lost sheep of the natural nation
of Israel. And
some of the natural nation will receive these disciples; some will keep the
Passover as Jesus established the example, and will eat of the paschal Lamb of
God. They will be, or become righteous Abel, giving their physical lives as the
ultimate of faith in God. The 1,335 days will be an extremely difficult time
for those individuals who keep the Commandments of God, especially the weekly
Sabbath. But by losing physical breath [psuche],
these individuals will receive and save their spiritual breath [pneuma]. They will be part of the first
resurrection and will stand up with Daniel and David when the firstfruits are
called forth upon Christ Jesus’ return.
* * *
"Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version,
copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used
by permission. All rights reserved."