Homer Kizer Ministries

Under Red Bridge

Since I began school, a genre of writing emerged called creative non-fiction, the name an oxymoron that defies narrow definition—if a work is non-fiction, how can it also be creative; i.e., of the imagination? But the genre has prospered under difficult marketing conditions, thereby giving rise to other merged-genre publications, particularly the mingling of essays and poetry. But why mingle genres, or why genres? Can a work stand apart from existing classifications that are helpful to book retailers and even to writers when asked to describe what it is the writer has produced? Can a work be what it is as a poem is what it is? Can a work address seemingly unrelated subject matter without crumbling when read? Can a work be a stream of consciousness if that stream doesn't flow where others expect it to go? And it is this last question that Under Red Bridge seeks to answer.

Literary indirection manifests itself in a memoir in unexpected juxtapositions.

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(c)2009 Homer Kizer. All Rights Reserved.

Prologue & Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7