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Water & Fire

Welcome to the e-journal Water & Fire, where mental landscapes merge.

The name of this journal comes from the earth having been baptized by water into death-in the future, the earth will be baptized by fire into everlasting life. The movement is from night to day, darkness to light, corruption to incorruption. That which is physical, then, serves as a type or shadow of a spiritual reality.

Articles in this e-journal bring typological exegesis into the 21st-Century, taking the reading strategy beyond where Samuel Mather in Figures or Types of the Old Testament (1683), or Jonathan Edwards in his "Types" notebook or in "Types of the Messiah" were able to go. Articles continue the logical progression of ideas developed by the Reformed Church. Although a gap of more than two centuries separate Puritan typology from articles in this journal, this gap has been bridged. Pilings were sunk among the social constructs that form a veritable logjam of modern mental paradigms. To these pilings girders of faith were riveted. These girders were then decked with the Apostle Paul's law of faith (Rom 3:27), which becomes the righteousness that comes from faith (Rom 10:6), which is the commandment of God (Deu 30:11) that is written on the hearts and minds of new covenant disciples (Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10). And when this gap in time is vertically bridged, spiritual landscapes have merged-the shadow of spiritual Israel in the heavenly realm is cast onto the mental topography of physical Israel. This mental topography is as real as is the soil upon which humanity walks, and it is territory over which Satan presently reigns as the spiritual king of Babylon. It will again become the territory of God the Father and His Christ (Rev 11:15) half way through seven years of Tribulation, when war is fought in heaven and Satan and his angels are cast to the earth (Rev 12:7-9).

The journal is the production of Homer Kizer Ministries (HKM), the literary arm of The Philadelphia Church. However, the journal is not funded by The Philadelphia Church, but by the freewill offerings given to HKM.